
St. Luke and St. Peter’s Preschool offers part-time preschool for two, three and four year olds.  Our hours are from 9:00am to 12:30pm each day.

Our two year old class options:

  • Tuesday/Thursday* ($185.00/month)
  • Wednesday/Friday* ($185.00/month)

Our three year old class options:

  • Monday/Wednesday/Friday* ($225.00/month)
  • Monday/Tuesday/Thursday* ($225.00/month)
  • Tuesday/Thursday* ($185.00/month)

Our four year old class options:

  • Monday/Wednesday/Friday* ($225.00/month) or 4 day option Mon/Tues/Wed/Fri *($255.00/month)
  • Monday through Thursday* ($255.00/month)

We also offer our “Lunch Bunch” program where children bring a healthy lunch from home and have an opportunity to extend their day.  We help the children learn to open their lunches independently and use their manners, which will help them when they go into Elementary school.

This is offered Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays from 12:30pm to 2:00pm and there is an additional cost per month as follows:

Once a week – $30.00

Twice a week – $40.00

Three times a week – $50.00

 We hold chapel once a week for all classes. Our chapel consists of age-appropriate, non-denominational bible lessons and songs. The children love getting together with the other classes for this special time of learning and fellowship. Chapel shirts may be purchased for your preschooler for $12.00 each.

*We follow the same policy for cut off dates as the Osceola County School Board and as such all children must be the proper age for the class by Sept. 1st.